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  • E-BOOK###The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bio-weapons Arms Race

    ####Author###Robert F. Kennedy

    ####Published###Dec 6, 2023

    ####Length###986 Pages




    From the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of The Real Anthony Fauci comes an explosive exposé of the cover-up behind the true origins of COVID-19. 

  • The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior

    ####Author###Dick Russel

    ####Published###Jun 20, 2023

    ####Length###384 Pages




    An epic biography filled with drama, conflict, and surmounted challenges.
The Real RFK Jr. is an intimate biographical portrait examining the controversial activist's journey from anguish and addiction to becoming the country's leading environmental champion fighting government corruption, corporate greed, and a captured media. Written by his longtime colleague Dick Russell.

  • The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

    ####Author###Robert F. Kennedy

    ####Published###Nov 16, 2021

    ####Length###934 Pages




    Over 1,000,000 copies sold despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author. Pharma-funded mainstream media has convinced millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. Hands down, he is anything but.